
VailVisions currently has a number of film projects in the works, and yet we are not just low on actors but on crew as well. We are always looking for people. If your interested drop us a email. Look forward to working with you.


Guard of Honor


now available in our store

There are plenty of films about Christ and the early Christians, but none like this.

Based on a beutiful kantata of the same name by Hank Beebe, Guard of honor tells the story of a Roman soldier who not only guarded the tomb of Christ but also witnessed his resurection.

enjoy the trailer



will premiere around Christmas.

Based on the musical by Hank Beebe,Innkeeper,Innkeeper! is the story of ..well an innkeeper . But not just any innkeeper. This is the story of the innkeeper who turned away Joseph and Mary and told them there was no room.

 enjoy the trailer.

from tomb to turin

A VailVisions original piece. still in the writing stages From Tomb To Turin looks to show that there is evidence for the shroud being the true shroud of Christ while the carbon 14 test still remaining correct.

How? That for you to find out, when its finished.

written by David Vail

currently in hiatus do to need for reshooting.

The Cowboy and The Tiger

Based on the play by Wallace Gray & Hank Beebe, The Cowboy and The Tiger is the story of a young Cowboy who really wants a horse so much that because nobody will sell her one she travels all the way from Texas to New York City to find one where she meets the horse of her Dreams , a not so ferocious Tiger

wait what? a Tiger?

yup you herd that right. a Tiger

Now in post production & Editing ( Iā€™m going as fast as I can )